Section: Dissemination


MuTant team was featured in the 2nd edition of Made In France (MIF) Expo in the major Exhibition Hall in Paris (Porte de Versaille) with a dedicated stand for Antescofo with more than 3 million visitors during 3 days.

Figure 6. Antescofo demo in Ministry of Industry featuring Marlène Schaff (French THE VOICE, Season 2)

Antescofo was featured by the French Ministry of Industry for a public talk and largely diffused demo featuring the french star singer Marlène Schaff from The Voice.

Arshia Cont was invited for a public presentation/demo of Antescofo for the 20th anniversary of the Prix La Recherche . Click for video .

Jean-Louis Giavitto has co-animated the public discussion following the movie "Codebreaker: Alan Turing" with C. Villani and G. Berry at the Cinema Grand Action. He gave several seminars for a non computer scientist audience:

  • “Analyse formelle des concepts, Q-analyse et programmation spatiale : quelques aspects philosophiques du nœud mathématique/musique/ informatique, séminaire MaMuPhi, l'Ecole Normale (february 2013);

  • “Écriture du temps et de l'interaction en informatique musicale”, séminaire Philosophie de l'informatique, de la logique et de leurs interfaces, Centre Cavaillès, Ecole Normale, (mars 2013);

  • “Modélisation spatiale et approche géométrique en musique”, Journées nationales du RNSC (octobre 2013);

  • “Simultanéité, succession et durée dans l'interaction musicale en temps-réel”, séminaire MaMux Temps, rythme et arithmétique, (décembre 2013).

  • As the redactor-in-chief of TSI, Jean-Louis Giavitto has initiated a new section devoted to portraits and talking with french personalities in computer science. These articles are also published in the SIF journal.

José Echeveste has presented Antescofo and participed to the event organized for the “Fête des Sciences” at Forum des Halles and UPMC.

We have published a popularization article on "Computer Assisted Music" in the review DocSciences , number 15.